How’s your breakfast routine?
We’ve all heard the adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and although everyone is unique (some people are just NOT breakfast eaters, and yes, intermittent fasting does work for some folks), for most of my clients, starting the day with the right foods makes a huge difference in their energy, cravings, and even total food intake. It’s often where I’ll start tweaking someone’s diet, because it can set the tone for the rest of the day.

Are you Sending your Microbiome a Valentine?
If you’re not, you should be! These colonies of microscopic bacteria make up about 70% of our immune system, and they outnumber our human cells by 10-fold. This community of over 100 trillion microbes living mostly in your gut helps your body with just about every process, from supporting digestion, to manufacturing neurotransmitters and vitamins, to keeping your hormones balanced and even helping you to think clearly. We’re learning more every day about the impacts that our gut flora may have on health, weight, mood and disease.

Should I buy Organic?
One question that many of my clients are curious about is whether there are health benefits to choosing organic foods (and/or risks associated with not doing so.) This is a great question, particularly when you factor in the higher cost of most organic foods. Is it worth it?